Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB)

ALL Foster and Many Adoptive and Guardianship Parents are Eligible for the Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB) to get $50 Per Month Off Home Internet or Wireless Service

Complete the Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB) application and you should get $50 per month off your home internet or wireless service!

How many months will I receive this $50 discount?

That’s unknown – the discount lasts until the program’s funds are depleted.

What if I don’t have internet or a hot spot but I want it?

You can sign up for $10/month AT&T Access or get $50 off another program’s internet bill.

How do I qualify?

Foster Parents

You are automatically qualified! Depending on which provider you choose, you may need to show a document as proof. Click here for more information.

Adoptive/Guardianship Parents

See if your family qualifies through your street address (Spectrum only), receiving free school meals, due to your household income, if you’ve had a significant loss of income due to COVID-19, or if you receive SNAP (food stamps), SSI, or another qualifying government benefit. Click here for more information.

How do I start receiving this discount?

Qualify Using Your Child’s School Lunch Eligibility

You automatically qualify for the EBB if your child is eligible to receive free school meals or if you live in a school district where all children in the district qualify for free school meals. All foster children are eligible for free school meals, so all foster families qualify.

  • For most internet providers, you’ll need to provide a letter from the school showing your child’s eligibility
  • Go to your school district’s website and call the administrative building.
  • Ask to speak to the food and nutrition services director
  • Explain you need a copy of your foster/adoptive child’s letter showing his/her eligibility to receive free school lunch. These directors have been informed about the EBB program and know that they’ll be receiving requests for these documents from parents.

Qualify Using Your Household Income

If your family income is at or below 135% of federal poverty guidelines.

  • For a household of 4, your income must be under $35,775.
  • For a household of 5, your income must be under 41,904

Add or subtract $6,129 for each additional person in your household. See https://getemergencybroadband.org/how-to-apply/show-you-qualify/ for more details.

Qualify by Showing That You Experienced a Substantial Loss of Income Since 2/29/2020

You will need documents showing your current income as well as your income change. See https://getemergencybroadband.org/how-to-apply/show-you-qualify/ for more details.

Qualify by Showing That You Receive SNAP (Food Stamps), SSI, or Another Qualifying Benefit

Click here for a list of federal assistance programs that make you eligible and the documents you’ll need to show your eligibility.

We’re here to help!

If you need help filling out an internet provider’s online application, you can place a CareLine request by clicking here or call 314-367-8373 and leave a message. Someone from Foster & Adoptive Care Coalition will contact you back.

Emergency Broadband Benefit Provider Details

We strongly recommend that you only sign up for a plan that can be cancelled at any time!!! Remember that whenever the EBB program funds are depleted, your provider will start charging you the full plan rate.

Spectrum – home internet

  • You may automatically qualify for the EBB discount based on your address. Call Spectrum at (866) 388-6050, give the representative your address, and find out.
  • Either way, the representative will take you through the application process.
  • If you don’t qualify based on your address, you’ll need a document showing you qualify for the EBB discount. ALL foster parents and anyone with a child eligible to receive free school meals qualifies. Click here for further instructions

AT&T – home internet:

T-Mobile, Sprint, or MetroPCS – mobile plans

  • Click here to see the mobile plan options for the EBB discount and fill out the application. Click here to see what document you need to prove you qualify.

AT&T – mobile plan

Verizon – mobile plan: