Birthday Buddy Gifts for Chase

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CHASE – 12 years old in June
Chase is a very active boy who loves to be outside having fun! He enjoys jumping on the trampoline, throwing a ball around and especially playing Nerf wars with his friends. Even though Chase prefers to be outside, there are many indoor activities he enjoys that keep him busy. He spends time with his brother building Legos, playing video games and board games. Chase has been in foster care for 11 months. Great gift ideas for Chase would be Nerf guns, board games, Legos, clothes (size 10-12), shoes ( size 5) and any outdoor toys. Chase is a little obsessed with smelling nice, he would be thrilled to get cologne, body spray or body wash for his birthday too.

Because of the COVID-19 Stay-at-Home Order, we’re looking for a Birthday Buddy donor to make a $75 donation for Chase’s birthday gifts. The Foster & Adoptive Care Coalition will purchase Chase’s gifts online and have them shipped directly to him.

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