Birthday Buddy Gifts for Daionna

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DIAONNA – 10 years old in October

Daionna is a girl who likes to be helpful. After dinner, she always offers to wipe down the table and sweep the kitchen floor. She is pretty quiet and shy until you get to know her. Daionna really likes LOL dolls and would love to get some for her birthday. LOL bedding would also be a fun birthday gift and she has been wanting UGG type boots and Nike jogging pants.

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DIAONNA – 10 years old in October

Daionna is a girl who likes to be helpful. After dinner, she always offers to wipe down the table and sweep the kitchen floor. She is pretty quiet and shy until you get to know her. Daionna really likes LOL dolls and would love to get some for her birthday. LOL bedding would also be a fun birthday gift and she has been wanting UGG type boots and Nike jogging pants.

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