Birthday Buddy Gifts for Nicholas

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NICHOLAS – 2 years old in June

Nicholas is a busy little bee! He has been in care for almost two years. He is a typical toddler who loves to play, run around, and has energy to spare. His birthday wish is to get some new toys to play with including some cars, blocks, and toys for outside.

We’re looking for a Birthday Buddy donor to make a $75 donation for Nicholas’s birthday gifts.  The Foster and Adoptive Care Coalition will purchase the gifts online and have them shipped directly to him.

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NICHOLAS – 2 years old in June
Nicholas is a busy little bee! He has been in care for almost two years. He is a typical toddler who loves to play, run around, and has energy to spare. His birthday wish is to get some new toys to play with including some cars, blocks, and toys for outside.

We’re looking for a Birthday Buddy donor to make a $75 donation for Nicholas’s birthday gifts.  The Foster and Adoptive Care Coalition will purchase the gifts online and have them shipped directly to him.

SKU: birthdaybuddygiftsnicholas-2-1-1 Category: