Birthday Buddy Gifts for Shanae

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❤️ 19 years old in June

Shanae is an outgoing, energetic young woman! She has been in care for over 9 years. She enjoys doing hair and nails, writing poems, and listening to music. Shanae completed her first semester of college and is excited about the future. She loves spending time with friends and using social media. For her birthday, she would love to get new flip flops, perfume, lotion, and gift cards to Target.

We’re looking for a Birthday Buddy donor to make a $100 donation for Shanae‘s birthday gifts. The Foster and Adoptive Care Coalition will purchase the gifts online and have them shipped directly to her.

Out of stock


19 years old in June

Shanae is an outgoing, energetic young woman! She has been in care for over 9 years. She enjoys doing hair and nails, writing poems, and listening to music. Shanae completed her first semester of college and is excited about the future. She loves spending time with friends and using social media. For her birthday, she would love to get new flip flops, perfume, lotion, and gift cards to Target.

We’re looking for a Birthday Buddy donor to make a $100 donation for Shanae‘s birthday gifts. The Foster and Adoptive Care Coalition will purchase the gifts online and have them shipped directly to her.

SKU: birthdaybuddygiftshanae-1 Category: