An amazing colleague and friend

I don’t even know where to start!

I’ve sat five feet from Debbie ever since I started at the Coalition in 2016. It has been a master class, not just in development work, but in how to exude warmth and compassion while not sacrificing an ounce of toughness and tenacity. Her excitement to teach and learn from others makes her a joy to be around. I know I wouldn’t be half the professional I am today without Debbie’s guidance and attention.

This team will not be the same without her humor and grit. Whether it’s reminding us all to wear sunscreen before Memorial Day weekend, passing out candy at the end of a long day, or overhearing her famously warm, funny, and entertaining calls with Coalition donors and volunteers, it’s tough to imagine what this place will look like without her presence. As sad as I think we all are that our time together is ending, we couldn’t be more grateful for the 15 incredible years Debbie’s given the Coalition. Our kids and families have been so lucky to have her enormous talent and passion.

Thank you for everything, Debbie! I’ll miss you!

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