Level A | Elevated Needs

About Course

Level A

18 Hours Training Credit

The Coalition’s mission in offering Level A training, known as CORE (Critical Ongoing Resource Family Education), is to empower resource parents to effectively meet the needs of older youth facing moderate to serious emotional and behavioral health challenges. These young individuals require intensive and coordinated services and may be at risk of needing more restrictive congregative care.

The CORE Teen Curriculum comprises three essential components:

  1. Self-Assessment,
  2. Classroom Training, and
  3. Right Time Training.

Our training program aims to enrich the existing methods used to prepare and support both new and experienced resource parents. By providing multiple opportunities to enhance their knowledge and skills, and by promoting the practical application of this newfound knowledge and skillset, families become more open to welcoming older youth into their homes, maintaining these placements, and ultimately expanding the pool of permanent resources available for youth.

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