Birthday Buddy Gifts for Ahmaud

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AHMAUD – 1 year old in October
This little bundle of joy is so full of life. Ahmaud is happy, smiley, and dying to walk! He loves books, music, balls, and toys that sing. He is a very fast crawler and can take steps with help. He babbles all day and is starting to say words that only he understands. He is very vocal and opinionated. He loves milk and food and playing outdoors, at the park, swimming in the pool and snuggling. He is sweet, joyful, and adapting so well in his first year of life. Ahmaud has been in foster care for 10 months. For his birthday, he would love any toys that would help him practice walking or help with his development.  He’s a growing boy so clothing and shoes would also be a terrific gift.

Because of the COVID-19 outbreak, we’re looking for a Birthday Buddy donor to make a $75 donation for Ahmaud’s birthday gifts. The Foster & Adoptive Care Coalition will purchase the gifts online and have them shipped directly to him.

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